Return Policy

Order Cancellation:

If you want to cancel an order, please email us at as soon as possible (with the subject line: Order Cancellation: [your order#]).

Our shipping specialist will provide our support from there.

If your order has not been shipped, we will cancel the order and withdraw the credit card pre-approval.

If the order is shipped or in transit, we will follow our return policy (as below) and reserve the right to deduct the actual round-trip shipping costs from the refund.

Remarks: To avoid unnecessary shipping costs for returns, we strongly recommend you submit your cancellation request AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, ideally within 24 hours of your order being made.

30-Day Returns Policy:

While we fully stand by every product we sell, we understand that sometimes you might change your mind or realize the product you ordered was different from what you were hoping for. That's why we offer a 30-Day Returns Policy.

If you decide you want to return an item for any reason within 30 days after receipt of your order, please email us at with your order number, and we will provide detailed instructions on how to process the return.

Please note that you will be responsible for paying the return shipping costs of your order's item(s) if no quality issues or damages are involved.

Once your return item(s) have been received and inspected at our warehouse(s), we will send you an email notification within 3-5 business days and notify you about the refund progress.

As a note, for a credit card payment refund, it may take up to one billing cycle for your account to be credited. Please do not request a chargeback from your credit card company while the return is under process because it can take time to resolve disputes. In the meantime, we recommend patience and contact us if there is any unusual delay in receiving funds.

To be qualified for a refund, please note that:

a) All returned items must be in brand-new condition, with original packaging and accessories.
b) It must not be assembled, partially assembled, or have any sign of usage.
c) Depending on the manufacturer's policy on the relevant item(s), we reserve the right to charge a minimum of 15% of your order amount as a re-stocking fee.
d) Also, some items are not eligible for returns:
   i)   Flash Deals;
   ii)  Clearance items;
   iii) Customized items;
   iv)  Item(s) marked as "Non-Returnable" on the relevant product page.

We want to make this as straightforward as possible for you. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us.


If the product is damaged, you must make a note of it immediately when signing for delivery and sending photos to on the day of delivery.

We will pay for shipping defective, damaged, missing parts, or incorrect merchandise at our cost. Remember to keep all the original packaging for any items that need to be returned. All returns need to be authorized by our shipping specialist before being processed.

We will ensure you get the product you ordered, undamaged, as soon as possible. Items that become damaged after use are non-refundable unless specified under warranty.